Not only should your natural skin care and organic skin care products have pure non-synthetic ingredients, they must also be cruelty-free. At Purely Shea, our unrefined certified organic shea butter is completely cruelty free.
Check out the following cruelty-free criteria that natural skin care products and organic skin care products should have:
1. Derived from an animal killed specifically for the extraction of that ingredient
2. Forcibly extracted from a live animal in a manner that occasioned pain or discomfort
3. Derived from any wildlife
4. That are by-products of the fur industry
5. That are slaughterhouse by-products of a commercially significant value
Animal testing is not necessary to ensure consumer safety. Although the companies claim to be using these tests for consumer safety, many hundreds of companies worldwide do not test on animals. Animal testing is not designed to protect the consumer, but to protect the company against you in case you sue.
If concern for the consumer is of paramount importance, then why do manufacturers consider using potentially dangerous substances in products such as cosmetics and toiletries? Surely, only ingredients which are known to be safe enough to be firstly and only tested on humans should be considered.
Hundreds of companies use only natural ingredients with a long history of safe use, and/or one or more of the alternative methods of testing such as culture tests, computer models and human volunteer trials. Purely Shea Unrefined Certified Organic Shea Butter is one of these companies. Be sure to read your labels of other natural skin care and organic skin care products for cruelty-free options.
Purely Shea – The Leader in Organic Shea Butter Skincare